
Injection Molding

Injection molding is a manufacturing process that allows for parts to be produced in large volumes. It works by injecting molten materials into a mold, It is typically used as a mass production process to manufacture thousands of identical items. Injection molding materials include metals, glasses, elastomers and confections, although it is most commonly used with thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.

How does it Work?

The first stage of injection molding is to create the mold itself. Most molds are made from metal, usually aluminium or steel, and precision machined to match the features of the product they are to produce.

Once the mold has been created by the mold-maker, the material for the part is fed into a heated barrel and mixed using a helical shaped screw. Heating bands melt the material in the barrel and the molten metal or molten plastic material is then fed into the mold cavity where it cools and hardens, matching the shape of the mold. The cooling time can be reduced through the use of cooling lines that circulate water or oil from an external temperature controller. Mold tools are mounted on plate molds (or ‘platens’), which open once the material has solidified so that ejector pins can eject the part from the mold.